Results for 'D. P. Kuhn'

949 found
  1. Fast machine-learning online optimization of ultra-cold-atom experiments.P. B. Wigley, P. J. Everitt, A. van den Hengel, J. W. Bastian, M. A. Sooriyabandara, G. D. McDonald, K. S. Hardman, C. D. Quinlivan, P. Manju, C. C. N. Kuhn, I. R. Petersen, A. N. Luiten, J. J. Hope, N. P. Robins & M. R. Hush - 2016 - Sci. Rep 6:25890.
    We apply an online optimization process based on machine learning to the production of Bose-Einstein condensates. BEC is typically created with an exponential evaporation ramp that is optimal for ergodic dynamics with two-body s-wave interactions and no other loss rates, but likely sub-optimal for real experiments. Through repeated machine-controlled scientific experimentation and observations our ’learner’ discovers an optimal evaporation ramp for BEC production. In contrast to previous work, our learner uses a Gaussian process to develop a statistical model of the (...)
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    Emergence of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec Type IV Methicillin‐Resistant Staphylococcus aureus as a Cause of Ventilator‐Associated Pneumonia.M. D. D. Neofytos, M. D. B. Kuhn, M. D. S. Shen, M. D. X. Hua Zhu & M. D. P. Flomenberg - 2007 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 28 (10):1206-1209.
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  3. Preparing the Next Generation of Oral Historians: An Anthology of Oral History Education.Lisa Krissoff Boehm, Michael Brooks, Patrick W. Carlton, Fran Chadwick, Margaret Smith Crocco, Jennifer Braithwait Darrow, Toby Daspit, Joseph DeFilippo, Susan Douglass, David King Dunaway, Sandy Eades, The Foxfire Fund, Amy S. Green, Ronald J. Grele, M. Gail Hickey, Cliff Kuhn, Erin McCarthy, Marjorie L. McLellan, Susan Moon, Charles Morrissey, John A. Neuenschwander, Rich Nixon, Irma M. Olmedo, Sandy Polishuk, Alessandro Portelli, Kimberly K. Porter, Troy Reeves, Donald A. Ritchie, Marie Scatena, David Sidwell, Ronald Simon, Alan Stein, Debra Sutphen, Kathryn Walbert, Glenn Whitman, John D. Willard & Linda P. Wood (eds.) - 2006 - Altamira Press.
    Preparing the Next Generation of Oral Historians is an invaluable resource to educators seeking to bring history alive for students at all levels. Filled with insightful reflections on teaching oral history, it offers practical suggestions for educators seeking to create curricula, engage students, gather community support, and meet educational standards. By the close of the book, readers will be able to successfully incorporate oral history projects in their own classrooms.
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    Der Weg vom Bewusstsein Zum Sein. [REVIEW]P. D. B. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (1):170-172.
    Kuhn's book explicitly aims to reassert the validity of the tradition of western metaphysics, with its central tenet that truth about permanent essences can be achieved, against the challenges raised on the one hand by historicism and on the other by what he characterizes as a structuralism unceremoniously committed to agnosticism. But his work is not primarily polemical. Rather it proposes its own systematic, phenomenological account of human experience.
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    Robert Bull and Krister Segerberg. Basic modal logic. Handbook of philosophical logic, Volume II, Extensions of classical logic, edited by D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner, Synthese library, vol. 165, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Boston, and Lancaster, 1984, pp. 1–88. - John P. Burgess. Basic tense logic. Handbook of philosophical logic, Volume II, Extensions of classical logic, edited by D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner, Synthese library, vol. 165, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Boston, and Lancaster, 1984, pp. 89–133. - Richmond H. Thomason. Combinations of tense and modality. Handbook of philosophical logic, Volume II, Extensions of classical logic, edited by D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner, Synthese library, vol. 165, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Boston, and Lancaster, 1984, pp. 135–165. - Johan van Benthem. Correspondence theory. Handbook of philosophical logic, Volume II, Extensions of classical logic, edited by D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner, Synthese library, vol. [REVIEW]Steven T. Kuhn - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (4):1472-1477.
  6. "Hinweise auf": G. Ripanti: Agostino teorico dell' interpretazione; W. Totok : Handbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie; P. Aubenque : Etudes sur la Métaphysique d'Aristote; Malebranche: Oeuvres I. S. Dietzsch : Natur-Kunst-Mythos; R. Scruton: The Aesthetics of Architecture; E. Rothacker: Das "Buch der Natur"; Wittgenstein Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1932, 1932-1935; G. Ryle: On Thinking; J. R. Searle: Expression and Meaning; R. Gätschenberger: Zeichen, die Fundamente des Wissens; K. Schumann: Husserl-Chronik; H. Zeltner: Sozialphilosophie; G. Radnitzky u. G. Andersson : Fortschritt und Rationalität der Wissenschaft. [REVIEW]Helmut Kuhn - 1980 - Philosophische Rundschau 27:305-308.
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  7. "Hinweise auf": Aspects of Contemporary American Philosophy; C. Brunner, Die Lehre von den Geistigen und vom Volk; K. Hemmerle, Franz von Baaders philosophischer Gedanke der Schöpfung; E. Husserl, Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft; E. Kahler, The Meaning of History; F. Körner, Vom Sein und Sollen des Menschen; J. Moreau, Aristote et son École; F. Nietzsche, Aurora e Frammenti postumi ; Philosophy and Christianity; Collegium Philosophicum; L'Histoire de la Philosophie, ses problèmes, ses méthodes; Il problema filosofico del linguagio; H. D. Rankin, Plato and the Individual; J. E. Raeven, Plato's Thought in the Making; L. von Renthe Fink, Geschichtlichkeit-ihr terminologischer und begrifflicher Ursprung bei Hegel, Haym, Dilthey und Yorck; P. Roubiczek, Existentialism For and Against; M. F. Sciacca, Objektive Inwendigkeit; H. Schreckenberg, Anake; F. Selvaggi u. a., Teoria della Dimostrazione; Technik im technischen Zeitalter; Sir G. Vickers, The Art of Judgment; I. Wirth, Realismus un. [REVIEW]H. Kuhn - 1967 - Philosophische Rundschau 14:75-80.
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    European and American Philosophers.John Marenbon, Douglas Kellner, Richard D. Parry, Gregory Schufreider, Ralph McInerny, Andrea Nye, R. M. Dancy, Vernon J. Bourke, A. A. Long, James F. Harris, Thomas Oberdan, Paul S. MacDonald, Véronique M. Fóti, F. Rosen, James Dye, Pete A. Y. Gunter, Lisa J. Downing, W. J. Mander, Peter Simons, Maurice Friedman, Robert C. Solomon, Nigel Love, Mary Pickering, Andrew Reck, Simon J. Evnine, Iakovos Vasiliou, John C. Coker, Georges Dicker, James Gouinlock, Paul J. Welty, Gianluigi Oliveri, Jack Zupko, Tom Rockmore, Wayne M. Martin, Ladelle McWhorter, Hans-Johann Glock, Georgia Warnke, John Haldane, Joseph S. Ullian, Steven Rieber, David Ingram, Nick Fotion, George Rainbolt, Thomas Sheehan, Gerald J. Massey, Barbara D. Massey, David E. Cooper, David Gauthier, James M. Humber, J. N. Mohanty, Michael H. Dearmey, Oswald O. Schrag, Ralf Meerbote, George J. Stack, John P. Burgess, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Nicholas Jolley, Adriaan T. Peperzak, E. J. Lowe, William D. Richardson, Stephen Mulhall & C. - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–557.
    Peter Abelard (1079–1142 ce) was the most wide‐ranging philosopher of the twelfth century. He quickly established himself as a leading teacher of logic in and near Paris shortly after 1100. After his affair with Heloise, and his subsequent castration, Abelard became a monk, but he returned to teaching in the Paris schools until 1140, when his work was condemned by a Church Council at Sens. His logical writings were based around discussion of the “Old Logic”: Porphyry's Isagoge, aristotle'S Categories and (...)
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    Monopsychism, Mysticism, Metaconsciousness (review). [REVIEW]Helmut Kuhn - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):116-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:116 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Forms not only as objects of contemplation but as patterns of conduct. Presumably the "physicist " is not interested, as physicist, in completing the dialectical journey. So from a moral point of view he rests in opinion, even though his thought may be conversant with Forms. Gully does not like the idea that the philosopher has a privileged method; Plato "gives no proper reason why (...)
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    The relation between surface and interior structures in low-amplitude fatigue.D. P. Watt, J. D. Embury & R. K. Ham - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (145):199-203.
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    Self-perception and value system as possible predictors of stress.D. P. Olsen - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (5):459-459.
  12. Anchoring cognition, emotion, and behavior in desire: A Model from the Gita.D. P. S. Bhawuk - 2008 - In K. Ramakrishna Rao, A. C. Paranjpe & Ajit K. Dalal, Handbook of Indian psychology. New Delhi: Campridge University Press India. pp. 390--413.
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    Kant's Solution for Verification in Metaphysics.D. P. Dryer - 1966 - Toronto,: Routledge.
    First published in 1966. Professor Dryer has furnished a highly illuminating account of Kant’s _Critique of Pure Reason _by unfolding its central argument. _Kant’s Solution for Verification in Metaphysics _brings out the light which Kant has to throw on central topics of philosophy. It takes its place as an indispensable guide to every student of the _Critique of Pure Reason. _.
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  14. (1 other version)Medieval Logic and Metaphysics.D. P. Henry - 1974 - Mind 83 (332):607-608.
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  15. "The world of humanism" di M. P. Gilmore.P. P. D. - 1978 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:278.
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  16. P.F. Strawson: Prosopa.Pantazes D. Tselemanes, P. F. Strawson & Konstantinos Ioannou Voudoures - 1980 - [S.N.].
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    The temperature dependence of the flow stress of Cu3Au at low temperatures.D. P. Pope - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (3):541-544.
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  18. Archiv für Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie.D. P. Rhodes - 1910 - The Monist 20:480.
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    The morphology of the solid/liquid interface during melting.D. P. Woodruff - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (151):123-127.
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  20. Commentary on DE GRAMMATICO. The Historical-Logical Dimensions of a Dialogue of St. Anselm's.D. P. Henry - 1976 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 38 (3):476-476.
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  21. CNS activating drugs in the treatment of the hyperactive child.D. P. Cantwell - 1978 - In John Paul Brady & Harlow Keith Hammond Brodie, Controversy in psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders. pp. 235--278.
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    Expressions Trivially Decidable.D. P. Henry - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):63-64.
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  23. Definition: logico-methodological problems.D. P. Gorskiĭ - 1981 - Moscow: Progress.
  24. Obobshchenie i poznanie.D. P. Gorskiĭ - 1985 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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  25. Problemy logiki i metodologii nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡.D. P. Gorskiĭ, I︠U︡riĭ Vasilʹevich Ivlev & A. L. Nikiforov (eds.) - 1988 - Moskva: [S.N.].
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  26. Sofʹi︠a︡ Aleksandrovna I︠A︡novskai︠a︡.D. P. Gorskiĭ - 1970 - In P. V. Tavanet︠s︡ & S. A. I︠A︡novskai︠a︡, Issledovanie logicheskikh sistem: [sbornik stateĭ. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    Connection between ethics and policy in health care.D. P. Olsen & S. Cohen - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (4):332.
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  28. Sistemnyĭ analiz i nauchnoe znanie: [Sb. stateĭ].D. P. Gorskiĭ (ed.) - 1978 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Ordering effects in the alloy Au3Mn.D. P. Morris, J. L. Hughes & G. Davies - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (95):1977-1980.
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    Piso's madness (CIC. IN PIS. 21 and 47).D. P. Kubiak - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (2):237-245.
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  31. Mediating variable.D. P. MacKinnon - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 9503--9507.
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  32. Pedagogicheskie stranit︠s︡y Leniniany.D. P. Margulis - 1986 - Kiev: "Rad. shkola".
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    The Philosophical Views of Albert Einstein.D. P. Gribanov - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 18 (2):72-94.
    On the Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Albert EinsteinMarch 14, 1979, marked 100 years since the birth of Albert Einstein, outstanding scientist of the twentieth century, profound thinker and humanist. Having created first the special, and then the general, theory of relativity, Einstein in many ways determined the course of development of modern physics. His works facilitated the creative reinterpretation of the traditional view of the structure of space-time and the nature of gravity and helped to deepen significantly our (...)
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    Consciousness in congenitally decorticate children: Developmental vegetative state as self-fulfilling prophecy.D. A. Shewmon, G. L. Holmes & P. A. Byrne - 1999 - Dev Med Child Neurol 41:364-374.
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    A study of frustration in newborn infants.D. P. Marquis - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 32 (2):123.
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    Learning in the neonate: the modification of behavior under three feeding schedules.D. P. Marquis - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (4):263.
  37. Filosofskie vzgli︠a︡dy A. Ėĭnshteĭna i razvitie teorii otnositelʹnosti.D. P. Gribanov - 1987 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by I︠U︡. V. Sachkov.
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  38. Nuclear Deterrence.D. P. Lackey - 1997 - Synthesis Philosophica 12:241-254.
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  39. Iamblichus: the two-fold nature of the soul and the causes of Human Agency.D. P. Taormina - 2012 - In Eugene Afonasin, John M. Dillon & John Finamore, Iamblichus and the foundations of late platonism. Boston: Brill. pp. 63--73.
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    Eternity and the afterlife.D. P. Walker - 1964 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 27 (1):241-250.
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    The Work of an Evangelist: His Calling, Qualifications and Equipment.D. P. Williams - 1928 - Apostolic Church.
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    Do the Bishops Have It Right On Health Care Reform?D. P. Sulmasy - 1996 - Christian Bioethics 2 (3):309-325.
    The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has argued for significant government involvement in health care in order to assure respect for what they regard as the right to health care. Critics charge that the bishops are wrong because health care is not a right. In this article, it is argued that these critics are correct in their claim that health care is not a right. However, it is also argued that the premise that health care is not a right does (...)
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    Cassirer’s Concept of Symbolic Form and Human Creativity.D. P. Verene - 1978 - Idealistic Studies 8 (1):14-32.
    Most scholars regard Ernst Cassirer as a thinker in the Marburg Neo-Kantian tradition whose writings take him from its concern with the analysis of the logical foundations of science to problems in intellectual history, theory of language, and culture. The critical work on his thought has reflected and supported this view. There is a second image of Cassirer which is shared by the large number of students and general readers who have come to his thought through two works that appeared (...)
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    Benjamin Kidd: Portrait of a Social Darwinist.D. P. Crook - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is an intellectual biography of Benjamin Kidd, a leading Social Darwinist in the years before World War I, and a social prophet in the tradition of Comte and Spencer. His first book Social Evolution, published in 1894, was an immediate and enormous success around the world. In it, Kidd developed a collectivist form of Social Darwinism in tune with the values of Progressivism in America and the 'new liberalism' in Britain. By many it was regarded as the basis for (...)
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  45. Environment, evolution, and values: studies in man, society, and science.D. P. Chattopadhyaya - 1982 - New Delhi: South Asian Publishers.
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    On the Ways of Knowing What is There.D. P. Chattopadhyaya - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 2:187-194.
    To define knowledge in terms of (i) belief, (ii) justification, and (iii) truth is primarily epistemological and therefore seems to be untenable. What is wrong with the ontological view of knowledge? If objects like dream and shadow could be said to be real and worth investigating, why should knowledge itself not be treated as a knowable reality? Knowability suggests its possibility-like, pursuit-like, gradual disclosive—as distinguished from enclosed or complete—character. Disclosure isself-revealing or, as Indians say, svaprakasa. That is, its justification arises (...)
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    The significance of audible onset as a cue for sound localization.D. P. Boder & I. L. Goldman - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 30 (3):262.
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    The forty martyrs of Sebaste: a study of hagiographic development.D. P. Buckle - 1921 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 6 (3):352-360.
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    Taylor and Parfit on personal identity: a response to Lotter [1].D. P. Baker - 1999 - South African Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):331-346.
  50. Pozitivizm i nauka: Kritich. ocherk: [Sbornik stateĭ]/ AN SSSR, In-t istorii estestvoznanii︠a︡ i tekhniki.D. P. Gorskiĭ & Boris Semenovich Gri︠a︡znov (eds.) - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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